Friday, April 06, 2007


The Spring Equinox horoscope, which covers the Second Quarter of 2007, has the following pattern:

The placement of Saturn in the Fourth House bodes obstacles and difficulties to the Government, and the affairs of the nation will not proceed smoothly. It causes bad weather for crops, and adversely affects agricultural matters. It denotes mining disasters, earthquakes, and depreciates the value of land, and disturbs property. As if to confirm this, Jupiter and Mars also show illness and death among the elite, legal and religious people, magistrates, bankers and financiers, as well much trouble to the government, and many difficulties for them to contend with.

Pluto is in the Eighth, its own sector of death, elimination, regeneration and underworld. According to the astrological manual Raphael, the placement means “In Government, it can refer to dictatorship… The ruling party will go and the new party will come up. The deep rooted traditions or cultures will undergo a radical change for good as well as for evil.” Even as Hegel wrote that “the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history”, still men in power learn how to improve on the evils of history.

Since the so-called Genuine Opposition is not a party, the most likely group to replace the ruling party will be the strengthened KAMPI with its members pirated from the “dominant” Lakas-CMD.

Neptune points to socialistic agitation against the ruler and government, scandals among the elite, disgrace to notable people and many episodes which give little credit on the elite class. Despite the harsh measures taken against the militant candidates during the campaign period, the Left could dominate the party list groups

Even as the newly elected members are not yet in position, Congress will continue be active and busy with legislation affecting trade, commerce and education; but with embittered discussions, personal recriminations, arguments and disputes. A good deal of unruliness in debates, and danger of accidents to members may be expected during the period.

There may be many benefits to public institutions, increase of subscriptions, benefits through donations and legacies, and a more favorable outlook in regard to their financial position. Scandals will surface, however, in connection with hospitals and charitable institutions. Crimes against women and children still continue.

Below is the April 17 New Moon chart:

For the month, Jupiter promises a large increase of receipts, improvement in the national finances, and success in banking and commercial operations. Nonetheless there will still be heavy expenditures, possibly because of the disasters expected during the period.
The confluence of difficult planets, Mars, Uranus and Neptune, in the Fourth sector of the New Moon chart is unfortunate. The planetary grouping will adversely affect land and agriculture generally. Expect fires in public buildings, and mining disasters. There is a high probability of earthquakes, as indicated in the Spring Equinox chart discussed above, like those that struck Japan and the Solomon Island group.

Let us focus on the main preoccupation of the country during the Second Quarter, that is, the Congressional and Local Elections in May. In a previous report, I presented an astro-statistical experiment of 2004 to determine if the moods of electoral candidates reflect their standings as winners. The results showed only eight out of twelve winners had high scores on elation. The four “losers” in the winning group had high scores of satisfaction, while the four “winners” had lower scores. Most likely, the reason lies in what Mr. Greg Makabenta wrote in his column: the “losers” were happy because kumita na sila ng malaki and have no problem repaying favors. On the other hand, the “winners” with lower scores in attitude are those who expect to have difficult prospects of satisfying their donors and followers.

For the 2007 elections, I still utilized the algorithm I used for the 2004 post analysis, and came up with the following results. This time, I have included the data of Montano and Kiram. And rather than give the relative rankings of the winning dozen, they are, in alphabetical order, the following:


(The colors indicate the group affiliation – the black for Genuine Opposition, the red for Team Unity, and the blue for the Independents.)

On the other hand, within range of winning are the following, also in alphabetical order:


As an addendum, what is in store for President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo?

Having her April 5 birthday occurring within the period, I thought I would do a Solar Return computation on her and give a brief interpretation of her horoscope for the year.

The inner circle is her birth chart. The outer circle is her Solar Return chart.

Her Solar Return horoscope shows she will be preoccupied with hidden plans and worries resulting from her continuing loss of popularity. She will have chronic malaise, generally not painful, connected with her liver and blood circulation. As well, there is a nagging fear of death. Although her KAMPI party replaces the dominant LAKAS-CMD, as mentioned above, her expectations will be denied. The position of her Solar Return Midheaven (or MC) is in her natal Fourth, threatening loss of position. (Estrada had the same pattern, albeit in a stronger position, in his Solar Return chart of 2001.)

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