Sunday, July 01, 2007


Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, will again conjunct the Galactic Center on July 17. This is its second pass and signals another opportunity for all of mankind to heed the message/warning to change and destroy all things that are obstacles to spiritual evolution. Humanity must undergo wide-ranging transformations in its relationship with Creation. The various sins of humanity involving the interrelationships between men, races, societies, religion, political philosophies, judicial and economic systems are being exposed globally and must be expunged. The wars in the Middle East, the tragedy of Darfur, and on to the extrajudicial crimes in various countries are obstacles to the spiritual evolution of Man. In the Philippines, the pressure to undergo change is focused on the People; they must eliminate those issues and matters that are exposed to be wrong and evil.

The Third Quarter horoscope has both bright and dim indications for the economy. There may be an increase in revenue collection, and a brighter outlook generally for the money market. But this will be negated by a great waste of public revenue, and heavy expenditures. The Quarter will be an active period for tourism with increased facilities for travel. The Quarter is especially favorable for publishing concerns, newspapers, and other modes of communication. Agriculture will undergo some difficulties as damp and unseasonable weather is indicated. As well, there will be mining disasters, and earthquakes.

During the period Pluto is in the Eighth, its own house of death, regeneration and the underworld. This Quarter will be a period of transition for the nation. The ruling coalition party will go and a new coalition group will come up. The deep rooted traditions or cultures will undergo a radical change for good as well as for evil. In Government, it can refer to de facto dictatorship. Deaths are indicated among the elite, legal and religious people, magistrates, bankers and financiers, military and medical men. (Some astrologers include the death of heads of state. We’ll see.)

The President will feel down on her luck. New opportunities seem to present themselves only to come to nothing. She finds herself locked in a power struggle in which she is fighting for supremacy. It is important that she acts with integrity; otherwise the result could be devastating. The changes in the leadership of the surrounding cities to Malacanang that will be lenient to militancy will point toward a resurgence of agitated rallies and demonstrations against her.

Both Houses of Congress will be engaged in power struggles for leadership although the battle in the Lower House will be “bloodier.” Uranus in the sector governing the lawmakers will “produce extraordinary difficulties and complications in parliamentary circles, sudden and unexpected developments which will require very careful consideration” on the part of its members. There will be a good deal of unruliness in debates, as contentious issues are raised, such as the extortion in the Commission on Appointments, the anti-dynasty problem, and other unresolved matters that involve reforms in the electoral process in anticipation of 2010. Most of these issues would only be “sound and fury signifying nothing”. JDV may have to watch out for situations and other people who may not be all they appear. This is a time fraught with misunderstandings at best, and fraud at worst.

Insubordination in the officer ranks may be felt in the Armed Forces especially in matters affecting the prestige of the military organization. The AFP Chief of Staff may feel vulnerable and anything but powerful during the period. Life becomes filled with situations that can no longer be avoided. He may even suffer from a disease.

Mars in the Twelfth forebodes a great increase of crime, murders, arson, violence, and may also produce fires in factories and public institutions, as well as riots in jailhouses. The law against terror that takes effect in mid-July will be put to the test, as law-enforcers will tend to misinterpret its provisions and go beyond the limits of what can be done. The Moon in the Fifth House denotes trouble to women and children, immorality, and much crime against children. Reports of cases of ill-treatment of wives will be on the rise. ■

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