The latest of my efforts to come up with the winning list of senators elicited disbelief among those who read it. There are names that are not supposed to be there and there are names that are not included. Perhaps I have not made my bases for coming up with the listing clear. What I had done was to “measure” the elation factor of the candidates on a particular day. My procedure was to quantify the effects of the passing planets, or in astrological jargon -- the transits, on the birth horoscopes of the candidates. I had merely stated that, except for Trillanes, I had worked on the birth charts without their essential birth times. For all of the other candidates, I assumed that they were born at noon on their dates of birth.
Even with the choice of the day of the planetary transits there is the question why I chose June 30. I should have chosen, for instance, Election Day on May 14. But since I was measuring the degree of the elation or disappointment of the candidates, the results of my computations for that day could be misleading. All candidates must be on edge and not happy or unhappy about the outcome of the voting.
I thought I should compute for the day their victories (or defeats) are announced. Would that be on June 5, the day after the opening of Congress on June 4? Or the week after? Given the uncertainty of when the announcement of the election results is to be made, I chose June 30 as the date on which I should measure or score the degree of their happiness/unhappiness since that would be when they are to assume their positions as lawmakers. In trying out this method on the 2004 elections, I only managed to get eight out of the twelve winners. For the current 2007 elections, I hoped at least to be able to pick out the same number of victors.
So much for the transits. For this report, however, I shall give my selection based on the characters of the candidates which I think ought to be the justifications for electing them. Even without the benefit of birth times, I am basing my selection on the planetary patterns obtaining in the birth charts of the candidates. These patterns are the talents they are born or equipped with in this lifetime. Pardon the astrological jargon, but as desiderata, I have chosen three astrological patterns, namely the Mystic Rectangle, the Kite, and the Yod or Finger of God. To me these are important indicators of behavior of the subjects aspiring to be lawmakers. The significance of these patterns are as follows.
The Mystic Rectangle. This is formed by at least four planets in a rectangular formation, two pairs are 120 degrees apart (trine), separated by 60 degrees (sextile), and the corner planets in opposition or 180 degrees from each other. "It does not necessarily indicate mystical tendencies, although it often does. The person with this configuration should have an incredible capacity for sustained productivity and be able to make very practical use of his/her experiences and assets. The formation combines awareness (opposition), understanding (trine), and productivity (sextile) as well as linking complementary elements."
Two senatorial candidates have this planetary formation, namely, Mike Defensor and Antonio Trillanes.
The Kite is composed of three planets in an equilateral triangle formation 120 degrees (a grand trine) apart from each other, while one other planet is in opposition to one of them. It represents a highly integrated personality that should have little difficulty functioning well within any situation or experience. The formation combines sensitivity and creativity (grand trine), direction and awareness (opposition), giving it a practical and productive focus.
The three candidates who have this pattern are Francis Escudero, Antonio Trillanes (two patterns actually), and Manuel Villar.
The Yod, or Finger of God. This is composed of two planets at 60 degrees (sextile) apart and both 150 degrees (quincunx) from and pointing to a third planet. "This is representative of a highly intimate linking of centers and symbolic of an internal or spiritual sensitivity... The planets involved in the "yod" are usually not compatible with each other, so the energy isn't necessarily the easiest... Yod's have an element of destiny in their pattern. This pattern is usually bringing forward something that is needed in order to make further progress." The Yod points to the ultimate challenge and goal. "It typically is identified with timing and crisis or the need to act. The need will develop through the apex while the opportunity to the action will develop through the two other planets." This little-known configuration is considered the most fated in Astrology. It produces a sense of fatedness, of a karmic obligation that must be paid.
For the Yod, the following candidates -- in alphabetical order -- have it in their natal horoscopes: Noynoy Aquino, Joker Arroyo, Martin Bautista, Alan Cayetano, Antonio Trillanes, and Miguel Zubiri.
The list above makes nine candidates I think are worthy to be elected as lawmakers. Assuming, of course, that they are living out their destiny patterns.
One particular candidate strikes me as satisfying all the desiderata I mentioned – Antonio Trillanes. He has all three patterns: the Yod, two Kites, and a Mystic Rectangle. The yod is particularly striking since the Finger or Hand of God points to his Midheaven, the point of honor or career in his chart. And this point is supported by the Moon or emotional passion and by Neptune or idealism. Below is the horoscope of Trillanes:
As shown in the astrological chart, Pluto conjunct the Ascendant (albeit in the Twelfth House) shows an intense drive that the individual pursues to attain his goal. As well, Trillanes has an Epimethean-Direct Mercury or Evening Star catching up on the Sun. This is an individual that, in the words of Michael Meyer, has “a growing sense of a long-range, objective and historical perspective… in which eagerness and impulsiveness have given way to careful deliberation. Here the calculated risk replaces the intuitive gamble.” To Meyer, “if your Mercury type is Epimethean-Direct, you probably have a practical, objective and analytical mind leading you to act on the basis of facts and past experience rather than on hunches and gut-feelings. Your well-organized mental faculties enable you to manage people and run things.”
With my understanding of astrology, I daresay that the above-named nine candidates ought to be my choices. Notice that they do not belong to one particular political party or group. (I shall have to select three more to complete my list of twelve senators.)
However, my special nomination (since he is seldom if ever mentioned in the opinion poll surveys conducted by SWS, Pulse Asia, and whatever) goes to Antonio Trillanes. He has the inherent qualities I look for in a leader. So far, even at a young age as an officer, he was able to demonstrate his ability to lead and to express his vision for the future of this country. I expect him, as well, to pursue his goals with integrity and honor.